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The Forgiven voir ce film regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais 2160p

Lord Gyrrshyld, the Forgiven

En savoir plus

The warcaster once known as Goreshade was an eldritch, one of a strain of abominations who fed on the spiritual essence of others and consorted with the Nightmare Empire of Cryx. Now, Lord Ghyrrshyld has been restored by the goddess Scyrah and is filled with renewed purpose. While Ghyrrshyld does not speak of what happened to restore his body, he now fights against those who imperil Scyrah, and many speak of him as being filled with the goddess’ light.

The newest incarnation of the former Cryx warcaster Goreshade, Lord Ghyrrshyld has been returned to life by the goddess Scyrah to lead his people once more. One of the greatest masters of occult lore, Ghyrrshyld can shut down enemy magics with ease, thanks to Field Marshal [Arcane Vortex], and can return the dead to life with his Revive spell. Now a champion of the Iosan gods, Ghyrrshyld has mastered control of Nyssor’s magical blade Voass and is able to surround his army in intense cold, freezing any who dare close with them to do harm.

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